HL.NVV.IM Java/Bedrock | |
IP | |
Players | 0/2500 |
Uptime | 100% |
Rank | 711 |
Votes | 0 |
Owner | Gantz4VT |
Status | online |
Last Check | 10 minute(s) ago |
Country | Colombia |
Version | |
Types | SurvivalBedrockJavaParkourMini GamesPvPPvEEconomy |
Share |
Info: server creado en spigot 1.21.3
Fungames - Arenalegens - Survival - Combatpets
juegos en el chat con Fungames
rompele la madre a todos en Arenalegens
juega normalmente en Survival
entrena tus pets con Combatpets
consigue dinero y exp con trabajos /
Cualquier actividad sube tus Skills /
trabaja o ve al parkour infinito para ganar Exp y puntos de liga de Personaje
Shop / subastas / Parkour infinito
un server bueno para tu comunidad y si eres streamer para que juegues con tus viwers
As of 2025, the server IP address for HL.NVV.IM Java/Bedrock is "". To find more information on HL.NVV.IM Java/Bedrock such as the version and website, please refer to the sidebar.
You can play on the HL.NVV.IM Java/Bedrock server by following these steps:
1. First, open the Minecraft launcher, login to your account, and then click play.
2. Next, click "Multiplayer" and now click "Add" on the bottom of the page.
3. Then, enter the following server address: "" in the "Server Address" part and save it by clicking "Done".
4. Finally, click on the Server that you have added and click "Connect" to join the server.
The HL.NVV.IM Java/Bedrock Minecraft server supports the following Minecraft versions: 1.21, 1.19, 1.20, you can also use older or lower versions to connect and play on the server.
The HL.NVV.IM Java/Bedrock Minecraft server is located in Colombia but is accessible worldwide with a great connection.
On the HL.NVV.IM Java/Bedrock Minecraft server, you can play the following supported gamemodes: Survival, Bedrock, Java, Parkour, Mini Games, PvP, PvE, Economy, come check it out!