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Minecraft RGB Generator

Use this tool to easily create RGB Gradient on Minecraft. You can use it with Essentials & CMI nicknames as well. Tool Credit: Oli and Saboor

This is what you put in the chat. Click on it to copy.

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Minecraft Color Codes & Format Information

Minecraft Color Codes List
Color Chat Code MOTD Code Hex Code
Black (black) §0 \u00A70 #000000
Dark Blue (dark_blue) §1 \u00A71 #0000AA
Dark Green (dark_green) §2 \u00A72 #00AA00
Dark Aqua (dark_aqua) §3 \u00A73 #00AAAA
Dark Red (dark_red) §4 \u00A74 #AA0000
Dark Purple (dark_purple) §5 \u00A75 #AA00AA
Gold (gold) §6 \u00A76 #FFAA00
Gray (gray) §7 \u00A77 #AAAAAA
Dark Gray (dark_gray) §8 \u00A78 #555555
Blue (blue) §9 \u00A79 #5555FF
Green (green) §a \u00A7a #55FF55
Aqua (aqua) §b \u00A7b #55FFFF
Red (red) §c \u00A7c #FF5555
Light Purple (light_purple) §d \u00A7d #FF55FF
Yellow (yellow) §e \u00A7e #FFFF55
White (white) §f \u00A7f #FFFFFF
Minecraft Format Codes List
Type Chat Code MOTD Code
Obfuscated §k \u00A7k
Bold §l \u00A7l
Strikethrough §m \u00A7m
Underline §n \u00A7n
Italic §o \u00A7o
Reset §r \u00A7r

How do you use RGB on Minecraft?

In Minecraft, RGB values can be used to customize the color of text, signs, and leather armor. To use RGB in Minecraft, you'll need to understand the RGB color model and how to write the RGB color codes. First, find the RGB value for the color you want to use, typically using an RGB generator. Then, you'll use the '/tellraw', '/title', or '/team' commands along with JSON formatting in the chat box. For example, to change text color, you might use: '/tellraw @p {"text":"Hello World!","color":"#FFFFFF"}', where '#FFFFFF' is the RGB color code for white. Make sure you understand how RGB color codes work to fully exploit this feature in Minecraft.

What is RGB?

RGB, an acronym for Red, Green, and Blue, is a color model used extensively in digital design and visual displays. This additive color model combines varying intensities of red, green, and blue light to produce a broad array of colors. The RGB color system is primarily used in screens, such as televisions, computers, and mobile devices. The different intensities of these primary colors can produce millions of shades and tones, providing the vibrant displays we are accustomed to in our digital world.

What is a RGB generator?

An RGB generator is a tool used to create or generate RGB color codes. These codes represent the intensity of red, green, and blue in a particular color. Each color is denoted by a number ranging from 0 to 255, signifying its intensity. For example, the RGB code for pure white is (255,255,255), which signifies maximum intensity for all three colors. RGB generators are handy for designers and artists who want to create digital images, websites, or designs with precise color specifications.

RGB Birdflop

RGB Birdflop is a method of creating abstract RGB gradients in various ways to work seamlessly with Minecraft. This type of RGB is used in vanilla Minecraft and can also be used along with custom spigot/paper plugins and Minecraft mods. The popular uses of RGB in Minecraft multiplayer include renaming items, using /nick or /nickname, recoloring text in LuckPerms, and recoloring items such as leather.